One-stop Brand Service Provider


Hangzhou Quentin Digital Technology Co., Ltd was founded in 2012. We are a one-stop E-commerce service provider specialized in Retail Business, Distribution, Brand Positioning, Flagship Store Operation and more. We aim to build strong strategic partnerships with brands and provide Product Positioning and Optimization, along with multi-platform distribution, content production and expert traffic driving, to the brand to help them grow market awareness and increase market share. We are determined to be an industrial-leading enterprise which can be of service to substantial economy. We were proudly entitled as Enterprise with Highest Potential in Hangzhou in 2021.

  • Experiences

  • Sales

  • Categories

  • Premium Selection

  • Our Employees

  • Our Services

  • A Global Entrepreneur

  • Multi-national Portfolio

  • E-Commerce Awards

  • Our Facility


Gratitude to all our partners


Cosmetics Department

Our team has been expertising in cosmetic industry for years. We aim to provide a multi-channel coverage for the brand.

Live Stream Department

We possess a multi-platform influencers matrix. Our operation team expertises in a variety of platforms.

Tiktok Department

We expertise in building the ecology of the brand and converting public domain traffic into private domain traffic.

Petcare Department

We are an integration of premium sales and marketing teams. Our multi-functional service team provide 8 unique industrial advantages.

Innovation Center

We're fully equipped and able to produce any content you might need. We are able to operate all media channels and sophisticated in content launch.

Brand Distribution Department

We help the brand to expand its distribution channels and help to maintain them. We know the market trend and provide professional analysis to the brand. Our supply chain is stable and efficient, we help the brand to manage distributors.

  • 2012

    Quentin was established in 2012. Our first customer was Pian Zaihuang, a renowned Traditional Chinese Medicine company. Under our sophisticated operation, the GMV of the brand harvested a 23.64% growth.

  • 2013

    In 2013, we became service provider of Beauty-Fun. In one short year, the brand was boosted to 11th of the category chart in Tmall.

  • 2014

    In 2014, we started expanding our online B2B channels. Meanwhile, we became service provider of Bawang, Phillips and other world-wide brands.

  • 2015

    In 2015, we parntered with Weilong. A annual GMV of 120 million CNY was achieved by our chained operation including Flagship Operation and Content Marketing.

  • 2016

    In 2016, we partnered with Shuanghui, Revlon and Snow. The GMV created made us top rank player in the market.

  • 2017

    In 2017, we entered New OTC Market. Meanwhile, we concentrated on operating ample cosmetic products. A total of 100 million CNY GMV was harvested at end of the year. The SKU was listed 1st in TMall Cosmetic Chart.

  • 2018

    In 2018, we expanded our portfolio and contracted with a variety of New Zealand, Korean and Thai brands.

  • 2019

    In 2019, we started collaborations with popular TV series and had built up our influencers matrix. A system of chained service combining brand building, operation and distribution was created.

  • 2020

    In 2020, we started our search into self-made brands and products. We further expanded our channels in sub-category platforms, Tiktok and others platforms.


Quentin Monthly Issue No. 1, 2021



  • Cooperation Preface

    Welcome to Quentin! There are several ways in which you can contact us. You can contact us via Wechat and Weibo.
    If you're outside China, please contact us with email. We will get back to you ASAP! Thank you!

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